After a 3 year long hiatus the Amsterdam based journal for literature and arts Versal is back and knocking at your door! See, the time when Versal was keeping quiet the team behind it developed the world’s first live literary magazine, VERSO /, curating original, themed issues with performances and readings. Now the team is looking to connect to writers and artists that they might not meet otherwise – by building on the “Migration” theme of their first VERSO / season, they are looking for works that cross borders and terrains. Continue reading Here’s Versal!
Tag Archives: poetry
Mirko Božić – A “Literary Activist”
Engaged literature has many faces. What unites these approaches is, though, the will to change something in the reader’s mind. A goal. This is the reason why these works reflect a will to address issues of political, social and cultural explosiveness. Mirko, born in Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina) has published several volumes of poetry, essays, columns and stories and founded a literary festival. “I want to give a differentiated view”, he says when asked what his goals are. And these views are often connected to his home country. So let’s find out what his literature has to do with his origins. Continue reading Mirko Božić – A “Literary Activist”
#crowdlitbus odyssey continued with Tone Hødnebø
And what did the cicadas in Delphi sing about? Norway #crowdlitbus author Tone Hødnebø (you can read her One is a CROWD interview here) tells it all! As we close in to Friday and the closing event of our epic tour, let us reminisce a bit and slow down the flow of time. Look forwards in the next days for short and insightful journal entires, essays and thoughts by our #crowdlitbus authors on their journey from Istanbul to Athens!
Continue reading #crowdlitbus odyssey continued with Tone Hødnebø
thursday juli 7, 2016, crowd omnibus tour – Jörg Piringer
tekirdag museum.
tekirdag köfte.
tekirdag helva. Continue reading thursday juli 7, 2016, crowd omnibus tour – Jörg Piringer
Travel log. Real estate trends
Julia Schiefer is reporting on the OMNIBUS Reading Tour – without actually partaking personally, of course! A blog somewhere between fiction and reality: she will be taking us on her own Hop-On Hop-Off bus tour with real insights instead of the usual sightseeing! Her excursions – open to all – are designed for everyday life (but mostly out of range). If you look to your left, you may see a dog chewing on a skirt; to your right, a scooter transporting a bucket of water as a chariot carries a peacock off to a jolly good show. Continue reading Travel log. Real estate trends
Cristian Forte: Throw the pen – Poetic performances
Cristian Forte came to Berlin in 2009, having left Argentina that same year. Why is this important? Because Cristian is the kind of poet that is very sensitive to his surroundings and the places he performs his poetry. This turns every one of his pieces into a political question, too. Continue reading Cristian Forte: Throw the pen – Poetic performances
Martin Glaz Serup (DK): All the messages from a Monday. Or Friday
Martin Glaz Serup is an author, writing poetry, children’s books, theoretical papers, he is a blogger and contributor as well as founder of magazines, a literary critic and well, he is also teaching creative and non-creative writing at the University of Copenhagen and at Danish Talent Academy in Holstebro. Goddamn, Serup is a textual jack-of-all-trades, „a gifted and prolific poet“ (Steven J Fowler), innovative and hard-boiled, and a funny guy talking waterfall-like without interruption.
Continue reading Martin Glaz Serup (DK): All the messages from a Monday. Or Friday
Ondřej Buddeus (CZ): „Spread the wor(l)ds“
Ondřej is a writer, translator and editor based in Prague, Czech. His poetry often deals and plays with roles and identities (see the picture above) and conventional language pieces, objets trouvé, of our everyday life. Continue reading Ondřej Buddeus (CZ): „Spread the wor(l)ds“
Fast │ Cheap │ Dirty: Anneke Brassinga (NL)
“The grand-dame of poetry in the Netherlands” – Only her nonchalant humor beats her lyric capabilites. And the combination is more than entertaining which she very well proved at Poesiefestival 2015 in Berlin at VERSchmuggel on June 23rd. It was a great improvisation x Oswald Egger. Outside I had the chance to take a few photos of Anneke Brassinga when I met her, smoking.
Continue reading Fast │ Cheap │ Dirty: Anneke Brassinga (NL)
Cheers to Slovenia! Živijo! Smem prositi za ples? The Slovene author Anja Golob writes poetry, does translations, is an editor, a critic and a dramaturg. CROWD-Scout Linde Nadiani met her in Ljubljana just recently where they had a coffee. Now she told me about her poetry, about the Slovenian literary scene and about her recent publication in German. Let’s dance with Anja Golob.