How to adress the acuteness of migrants issues in poetry? Even though a literary entreprise that has many agents, according to Sabine Venaruzzo, she feels the need to work with words of migrants with a different approach than many others. She will perform a symbolic march – or a somatic performance – starting today, January 19th. The open-outcome project will be going on for over 2 years and aims to cross European borders in many different fashions.
Continue reading Sabine Venaruzzo – “There are no words for it, it’s better put into poetry.” →
A threefold quest into digital literature.
Digital literature is ephemeral, sometimes even instantaneous, and in extreme cases even made to vanish (eg. in the form of interventions). That changes the way of disseminating it completely. Continue reading #disseminating digital literature →
Megan M. Garr is a poet and editor who crossed borders. She is an American living in the Netherlands who is engaged in activism in the literary world fighting for more diversity. An Interview. Continue reading Megan M. Garr (USA/NL): On activism and writing →
This Sunday in Berlin a team of authors is creating a participatory environment to mirror today’s interconnected society based on technology which pervade our everyday lives. The text becomes a ghost, and everybody an author. Continue reading Cloudpoesie (GER): Poetry for an interconnected society →
Martin Glaz Serup is an author, writing poetry, children’s books, theoretical papers, he is a blogger and contributor as well as founder of magazines, a literary critic and well, he is also teaching creative and non-creative writing at the University of Copenhagen and at Danish Talent Academy in Holstebro. Goddamn, Serup is a textual jack-of-all-trades, „a gifted and prolific poet“ (Steven J Fowler), innovative and hard-boiled, and a funny guy talking waterfall-like without interruption.
Continue reading Martin Glaz Serup (DK): All the messages from a Monday. Or Friday →
– Constantinos, what is your poetry about?
– It is about me and my multiple selfs. And it is about my past. Writing is a pretty selfish process you know.
– I understand. Sounds nice. In other words you are schizophrenically having sex with yourself.
– (Laughing) Yes, you can say so. Continue reading Constantinos Papageorgiou (CY): Performances of daily life →
Andrea Inglese named his new project something as big as “Describing the world”. One would think that this is a pretty big gesture – why would you actually attempt to describe the world / the only existing world / the world of what!? The very try seems absurd considering the information based relativism today. So: how would you do that, describing the world? Continue reading Andrea Inglese (FR/I): at something more material →
Nataša is a prize-winning novelist and a literary activist who besides her life as a writer and journalist advocates for the many stories of rural life. Her literary origin is deeply rooted to her upbringing in a small village in Slovenia. She promotes rural life by literature and literary activism derived from oral storystelling, by manufacturing things that are sustainable, that tell a story. She combines literature and ecology. Continue reading Nataša Kramberger (SI): ecology and literature →
Satu is described as an author who writes about the European middle class and thus writes European literature. One could say that she adds to awareness by pointing out the limitations of our knowledge and ambitions. What does “perfect” in her novel “The perfect Schweinsbraten” then mean? An e-mail interview.
Continue reading Satu Taskinen (FI): „I try to add to awareness.“ →
Ondřej is a writer, translator and editor based in Prague, Czech. His poetry often deals and plays with roles and identities (see the picture above) and conventional language pieces, objets trouvé, of our everyday life. Continue reading Ondřej Buddeus (CZ): „Spread the wor(l)ds“ →
CReating Other Ways of Dissemination