Julia Schiefer is reporting on the OMNIBUS Reading Tour – without actually partaking personally, of course! A blog somewhere between fiction and reality: she will be taking us on her own Hop-On Hop-Off bus tour with real insights instead of the usual sightseeing! Her excursions – open to all – are designed for everyday life (but mostly out of range). If you look to your left, you may see a dog chewing on a skirt; to your right, a scooter transporting a bucket of water as a chariot carries a peacock off to a jolly good show.
Like petals scattered on the way + wind
scanning something way upwards high
What is this something they are looking for?
What is this pinch-to-zoom little cheeky walk?
In green fiercely flies the group of maybe ten
the castle is left behind their back, their back –
left behind in their gracious mind of polished
shells, they mind and walk like tourists – pupils ahead
into the summer where they clamor, rave and sing
walk softly in deep forests shadows as reason
begins to fade and you set in to exercise some steps
seamlessly moving up the island.
Like petals scattered on the way + castle
they left behind they go and talk and snore –
like giants displaced as gigantic orphans
not knowing what they are looking for
put some thrash on and stuff your piney whispers
touch smelling finger put in
color a groove known
of pink and red cash and sonic
factory ahhs for kleist ah for
reducers of nightingale
wafting lean on blast
hearty mind of karaoke
anxious for cultivates
dead good on canvas
plants tonight I aim
bucolic is overheard
not born a billy goat