Andrea Inglese, poet, essayist and translator, was born in Italy in 1967. He lives in Paris. He is PhD in Comparative Literature and he has held teaching positions in Contemporary Italian Literature at the University of Paris III. He published a monograph on the theory of the novel: L’eroe segreto. Il personaggio nella modernità dalla confessione al solipsismo [The Secret Hero. The Character in Modernity from Confession to Solipsism] (Department of Linguistics and Comparative Literature, University of Cassino 2003) and a collection of political writings La confusione è ancella della menzogna [Confusion is the Handmaid of Falsehood] (Quintadicopertina, 2012). His literary essays are included in a number of volumes, in Italy and France. Some of his books of poetry are Prove d’inconsistenza [Proof of Inconsistency], with a preface by G. Majorino in VI Quaderno italiano (Marcos y Marcos, 1998), Inventari [Inventories], with an afterword by B. Cepollaro (Editrice Zona, 2001), Colonne d’aveugles (translated in French by Pascal Leclercq, Le Clou Dans Le Fer, 2007), La distrazione [Distraction] (Montano Award, Luca Sossella, 2008), Commiato da Andromeda [Valediction to Andromeda] (Ciampi Award, Valigie Rosse, 2011), Lettere alla Reinserzione Culturale del Disoccupato [Letters to the Cultural Rehabilitation of the Unemployed], Italian edition (Italic Pequod, 2013) and French edition (translated in French by Stéphane Bouquet, NOUS, 2013), and La grande anitra [The Big Duck] (Oèdipus, 2013). He also published prose works: Prati / Pelouses [Lawn] (Italian-French bilingual edition, La Camera Verde, 2007) then in the collective volume Prosa in prosa (Le Lettere, 2009) and Quando Kubrick inventò la fantascienza. 4 capricci su 2001 [When Kubrick invented Science-fiction] (La Camera Verde, 2011). He has translated many French poets and writers such as Alain Jouffroy, Boris Vian, Vincent Tholomé, Liliane Giraudon, Caroline Dubois, Antoine Volodine, or Jérôme Mauche. His anthology of the French poet Jean-Jacques Viton, Il commento definitivo. Poesie 1984-2008, was published by Metauro in 2009. His work may be found in a variety of Italian contemporary poetry anthologies published in Italy and abroad. He is a member of the literary blog Nazioneindiana ( and of the website GAMMM ( He is on the editorial committee of the bimonthly “alfabeta2” ( He has participated in poetry festivals in Italy, France, Germany, Slovenia, Romania and Canada. Along with video artist Rosanna Guida, he is author of the video La buiosa (1997), Prix de la Création Vidéo 98 at the Festival “Art contemporain” of Clermont-Ferrand (France, 1998). For 2010-2011 he was writer-in-residence in Paris on a grant from the Conseil Régional d’Île de France, and he has directed writing seminars on the theme of expatriation and memory. Together with sound designer Stefano Delle Monache, he is taking the performance and installation Letters to the Cultural Rehabilitation of the Unemployed to the SOUNDOUT! Festival in Berlin (2014).