Jürgen Neumann started working with computers in 1984, and since then
has been looking for ways to deploy ICT in useful ways for organizations and society.
As a consultant for ICT strategy, he has worked for major German and international companies and NGOs. In 2002 he co-founded Freifunk, a not-for-profit community of free and open wireless network activists.
His recent activities include open source(d) hardware, the FLOSS based knowledge management tool DeepaMehta and lobbying for more open radio spectrum.
About DeepaMehta:
DeepaMehta is a software platform for knowledge workers. The special feature of DeepaMehta is the situation-centered user interface: information belonging to one working context is — together with its meaningful relationships — displayed and edited in a single window. Whether it is text, images, documents, emails, web pages, events or for example contacts.
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