The CROWD-Network is an innovative and crucial key to Europe’s independent literary scene. CROWD is a decentralised, self-governing, non-profit network facilitating exchange and contact between nationally and internationally active authors, translators, event organisers, promoters, cultural politicians, cultural administrations, etc. focused on contemporary literary trends.
CROWD creates
other ways of promoting literature. CROWD disseminates regional and national discourse at an international level, supports original literary ideas within Europe with the aim of conceiving a new breed of literature. Among its many activities, CROWD is committed to advancing production-aesthetic approaches as well as broaching issues related to audience development and the ongoing expansion of European and international marketing opportunities for literature.
CROWD enables
European countries to bring to light and celebrate their cultural richness through the independent literary scene. CULTURE IS WORK! The independent scene creates a significant part of a cultural city’s allure. It generates greater levels of awareness, public prestige, tangible dynamism and economic strength. As cultural representatives of their regions, the work and commitment of all stakeholders should be appropriately acknowledged and rewarded. They offer the public new opportunities to benefit from the unique scope of European literary events.
currently at the exciting stage of discovering a new, common language with public, politicians and sponsors alike. Discussions regarding the social value of literature are distinctly characterised by a mutual interest in each other. CROWD shows that dialogue is not only possible, but perhaps more important still, can be hugely beneficial to all parties concerned.
CROWD sees
different language areas as a natural resource, enabling a collectively diverse debate on European identity through contemporary literature.